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The history

Next to the Serra de Penha Garcia and on the right bank of the River Erges, which here delimits the Portuguese-Spanish border, we find the Termas de Monfortinho and its spring of mineral water from Fonte Santa, whose exploitation of the spring has been known since the Roman period, although not there is any evidence to support this theory.

The first effective references to these thermal waters come from Ribeiro Sanches, a famous natural doctor from Penamacor who in the 18th century described the therapeutic qualities of these waters. Also Francisco da Fonseca Henriques, physician of D. João V, in his Aquilégio Medicinal, mentions these syrups and their miraculous effects in the cure of joint, skin, digestive and liver diseases, female reproductive system and psychiatric problems.

For centuries, this mineral water that sprouted in a desert place was freely used by people on both sides of the border to cure various pathologies, although the existing infrastructure was very deficient. For the baths, a small granite house was used, called the Public Bath House, with very weak and archaic conditions.

The Public Bathroom would be demolished at the beginning of the 20th century, during the remodeling works carried out by the Companhia das Águas da Fonte Santa de Monfortinho, which would obtain the exploitation of these spas.

The Companhia das Águas da Fonte Santa de Monfortinho would be founded in 1907 by 32 partners, with José Gardete Martins, physician and lifetime clinical director of these Spas, being its main driver. With this foundation, the free access of the population to this spring, which had taken place for centuries, ended, and the business exploitation of its exploitation began. During the period of World War I, Caldas de Monfortinho experienced a period of serious crisis that was compensated, however, during the years of the Spanish Civil War and World War II, a period during which there was a large increase in the number of bathers.

In 1935, during the initial period of the Estado Novo, a new company would be constituted, formed by new partners, which would keep the same name. This new society was headed by the Count of Covilhã, Júlio Anahory de Quental Calheiros, and by the Viscount of Guilhomil, Ruy Vieira Peixoto de Villas Boas.

In 1940, the large spa would be built, with all the infrastructure, and which we still know, as well as a hotel, the Hotel da Fonte Santa.

In 1989, the therapeutic properties of thermal waters were recognized by an order from the General Directorate of Health and in 2008 (on March 19) new functions and therapies for thermal waters were added to the joint order of the General Directorate of Health: metabolic-endocrine diseases , rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders, circulatory system, nephro-urinary system and respiratory system.

The beautiful spa, opened in 1940, underwent a thorough renovation in 2001, carried out by the architect José Luís Teixeira Pinto, who reorganized and modernized the entire infrastructure, creating a new environment of well-being with modern areas for rest and relaxation.

The Termas de Monfortinho today provide a more functional offer of treatments, better adapted to the growing demand of a group of users who see in the thermal spas an important role in the recovery of the physical and psychic balance of all those who cannot escape a day-to-day. intense daily life and the consecutive months of the varied concerns of city life. It also has individual thermal wellness and rest services.

Photographs:  Old postcards edited by  Monfortinho Company - 1940s

A Casa do Banho Público viria a ser demolida, no início do século XX, aquando das obras de remodelação, levadas a cabo pela Companhia das Águas da Fonte Santa de Monfortinho, que obteria a exploração destas termas.


A Companhia das Águas da Fonte Santa de Monfortinho seria fundada em 1907, por 32 sócios, sendo o seu grande impulsionador José Gardete Martins, médico e diretor clínico vitalício destas Termas. Com esta fundação, terminava o livre acesso da população a este manancial, ocorrido durante séculos, iniciando-se a empresarialização da sua exploração. Durante o período da I Guerra Mundial, as Caldas de Monfortinho conheceram um período de grave crise compensado, contudo, durante os anos da Guerra Civil Espanhola e da II Guerra Mundial, período durante o qual se observou um grande incremento do número de banhistas.


Em 1935, durante o período inicial do Estado Novo, seria constituída uma nova sociedade, formada por novos sócios, que manteria a mesma designação. Esta nova sociedade era encabeçada pelo Conde da Covilhã, Júlio Anahory de Quental Calheiros, e pelo Visconde de Guilhomil, Ruy Vieira Peixoto de Villas Boas.

Em 1940, seria construído o grande balneário, com todas as infraestruturas, que ainda conhecemos, assim como um hotel, o Hotel da Fonte Santa.


Em 1989, são reconhecidas, por despacho da Direção Geral de Saúde, as propriedades terapêuticas das águas termais e, em 2008 (a 19 de Março), foram adicionadas, ao despacho conjunto da Direção Geral de Saúde, novas funções e terapias para as águas das termas: doenças metabólico-endócrinas, reumáticas e músculo-esqueléticas, aparelho circulatório, aparelho nefro-urinário e aparelho respiratório.


O belíssimo balneário das termas, inaugurado em 1940, foi sujeito, em 2001, a uma profunda remodelação, efetuada pelo Arquiteto José Luís Teixeira Pinto, que reorganizou e modernizou toda a infraestrutura, criando um novo ambiente de bem-estar, com áreas modernas de repouso e relaxamento.

consultorio termas monfortinho anos 40_edited.jpg

As Termas de Monfortinho proporcionam uma oferta de tratamentos mais funcional e melhor adaptada à crescente procura de uma faixa de utentes, que vê, nos balneários termais, um papel importante na recuperação do equilíbrio físico e psíquico, após meses consecutivos de uma vida citadina.

Veja os nossos serviços AQUI.

Fotografias: Postais antigos editados pela Companhia de Monfortinho - Anos 1940s

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